Storm it themselves
Storm it themselves

Talking to others about suicidal thoughts: a personal reflection from Emma, NSPA lived experience influencer.Finding the actions that work for you: a personal reflection from Katie.Rosie’s personal reflection: actions than help me find hope and help others.Gambling with Lives: changing the narrative on gambling addiction & suicide risk.Hope for conversation: a personal reflection from Lesley who was bereaved by suicide.Playing the Ukelele: Actions that Frank has taken since his son died by suicide.Everton in the Community: The People’s place new hub of hope.Veterans supporting veterans: Phoenix Heroes tackling PTSD through fishing.You can view our collection of short videos, songs, thoughts and photos about hope on our ‘Creating hope through action’ Miro board here.īelow are some in-depth pieces, both personal reflections and examples of hope-building actions from organisations working in suicide prevention. We received a huge range of responses which collectively demonstrate that there is no one path to hope in suicide prevention, but that by listening to each other, with kindness and empathy, we can take collective action to prevent suicide. Our organisational members told us about the direct actions they are taking to build hope among the people they work with or support. Individuals talked about actions that give them hope, and what they need from others when they are not feeling hopeful. So we asked our network of members, including people with lived experience, to share their thoughts and feelings on what ‘creating hope through action’ means to them. We all know that s tigma is a major barrier to help-seeking and we can change the narrative if we work together and listen to those with lived experience.

storm it themselves

Some find it inspiring others can feel isolated and unheard by a pressure to feel hopeful. We respect that hope can be complex and personal and that p eople have different views of what hope means, and different relationships to it. We believe that a ctions, however small, can create hope.

storm it themselves

This year our team wanted to explore more about the actions that can create hope. Once again this year, the international theme for World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 is ‘Creating hope through action’. This builds on last year where we explored the rich and complicated idea of ‘hope’ in suicide prevention.

Storm it themselves